Upcoming events.

Hereford Lions Pancake Supper
Come join us for the Annual Hereford Lions Pancake Supper & Auction at the High School cafeteria! This is always a crowd-pleasing event!

District Convention
Save the date for our District Convention in Hereford, Texas! This is sure to be a great time of learning and fellowship amongst Lions, and a celebration of our Lion year and service.

Amarillo Downtown All-American Pancake Festival
The Amarillo Downtown Lions Club will be having our annual All American Pancake Festival! All proceeds benefit our Foundation Charities such as the Texas Lions Camp for special needs children, eyeglasses for kids and adults, leader dogs, service dogs, wheelchair ramps for the disabled and many more!
Get tickets: https://amalions.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=587...
Event is Saturday April 19, 2025 at the AmTech Career Academy 3601 Plains Blvd in Amarillo, Texas from 7am to 12 noon.
We will have Raffle Tickets $1 each or 6 for $5! Many Great raffle prizes including a 75” big screen TV! We will also have music from some of Amarillo’s favorite bands.
Plus the AmTech Career Academy will be having their annual Car Show the same day!

Dumas Noon Lions Dogie Days
Dogie Days is an annual town celebration and tradition that includes a carnival, food booths, parade, and town barbecue. The climax is the raffling of a new vehicle on the midway Saturday night. This will be the 78th Dogie Days in 2025. The name Dogie comes from a motherless calf, pronounced "Dough-gie," as in the cowboy phrase "get along little Dogie." The only year that we did not hold our annual event was in 2020 because of Covid-19.

107th Lions Internation Convention
The 2025 LCI Convention will be held on July 13 – 17 in Orlando, Florida.
Orlando is a magical city, renowned for its exemplary hotel accommodations, traveler-friendly airport and world-class convention center. The city is famous for its wide range of entertainment, including iconic theme parks, trendy shopping and great restaurants, making Orlando one of the top destinations globally.
International convention is a moment like no other, and I look forward to seeing you all in Orlando, where we will truly make our mark together!

Panhandle Kids Count Lions Club Bowling With Buddies
It's time for Bowling With Buddies. Join us March 22 for a fun afternoon of bowling. This is a free even for students and young adults with disabilities. Please use the QR code or go to bit.ly/pkcbowl25 to register.

Wellington Lions Pancake Breakfast
Come enjoy the fellowship of a good dine-in pancake breakfast with us at the Bura Handley Community Building, or get your order to go on Saturday, March 22nd from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. $10 – Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Toppings & Drinks, Kids $5. Bring your old eyeglasses to be recycled.

2024-2025 3rd Council of Governors Meeting
2024-2025 3rd Council of Governors Meeting
YO Ranch Hotel in Kerrville Texas
February 6-8, 2025
All Lions are welcome to attend this event
More Information Coming Soon
2024-2025 3rd Council of Governors Meeting – MD-2 Lions of Texas (texaslions.org)

District Mid-Winter Conference
Come invest in our youth! Our District Leos will have an important role in planning and executing this event. We will celebrate our Youth with the District Queens contest, the Outstanding Youth Essay Contest as well as the Peace Poster Contest. Come impart your wisdom on the young leaders of tomorrow. More details to follow.

Darrouzett Main Street Christmas
Ho Ho Ho!!!! Merry Christmas! Come celebrate in Darrouzett, Texas with a full slate of activities on December 7, 2024, culminating in the Chlli and Soup Supper from 4-6 and the Lighted Parade starting at 6:15 pm.

Panhandle Kids Count Bowl with Buddies
It's time for Bowling With Buddies. The Panhandle Kids Count Lions Club invites students and young adults with disabilities to join us for a free afternoon of bowling, Saturday Nov 16 from 2:30-4:30 PM at Eastridge Lanes. Please register at https://bit.ly/3A8jSfs or use the QR code.

Clarendon Lions Club Soup Soriee
The Clarendon Lions Club will be having their Soup Soiree on Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 5 pm at the Lions Hall in Clarendon. Bring your crockpot of your favorite soup and copies of your recipe to share and join us for an evening of cozy fall fun! Feel free to bring you favorite side or topping, too!

District 2-T1 Cal Farley's Boys Ranch Coat & Shoe Shopping Event
Come out for our annual District 2-T1 Coat and Shoe Event benefitting students at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. This is always a moving and meaningful event for our District. Please plan to join us, and donations are always welcome. The event will be at the Kohl’s in Amarillo, Texas on Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 2 pm.

2024-2025 2nd Council of Governors Meeting
2024-2025 2nd Council of Governors Meeting
The Historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas
November 7-9, 2024
All Lions are welcome to attend this event
2024-2025 2nd Council of Governors Meeting – MD-2 Lions of Texas (texaslions.org)

Dumas Noon Lions Club 2024 Election Night Pancake Supper
Join the Dumas Noon Lions Club for their 2024 Election Night Pancake Supper. All You Can Eat!!! Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at the Dumas Noon Lions Club Building at 6th and Porter.

El Barrio Lions Club Dia de los Muertos
Join the El Barrio Lions Club on Saturday, November 2, 2024, from 8:30 to 10:00 am at 1712 SE 27th Ave in Amarillo, Texas for Dia de los Muertos. Celebrate our loved ones that have departed. May we always cherish their memories and keep them alive in our hearts.

Wellington Fiesta Pile On
Join the Wellington Lions Club for their Fiesta Pile on Friday, November 1, 2024, from 5-6:30 pm at the Bura Handley Community Building at 906 Amarillo Street. $10 adults and $6 children 12 & under.

Learning & Sharing Mingle
Join us for the District 2-T1 Fall Learning & Sharing Event on Saturday, October 26, at the Bura Handley Community Building in Wellington! The doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for registration and fellowship. We will have micro-trainings, learn about what’s going on around the District, participate in a great signature service activity with the Wellington Lions, and also learn how to use the new Lion Portal to keep our Club’s information updated with Lions International!
This will be a great benefit to Lion officers, and anyone interested in leadership at the Club or District level. You will get a lot out of this event, and we look forward to seeing you!
8:30-9:00 Registration and Refreshments
9:00-9:25 Invocation/Ice Breaker/Fellowship
9:25 Call to Order/Welcome/Lions Mission Statement
9:35 Lions Camp Overview/Update (Dan Porter 20 min)
9:55 LCI Club Insurance Micro-training (Presenter TBD 20 min)
10:15 Learning & Sharing Roundtable-Club Service Projects (60 min)
11:15 Business Meeting (45 min)
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Service Project-Fill Senior Snack Packs for the Community
2:00 Fellowship & Lion Portal Assistance Available:
Pulling Club Reports
Assigning Club Officers
Entering New Members
Entering Service Activities
3:00 Adjourn Meeting

Dumas Noon Lions Arts & Crafts Festival
Join the Dumas Noon Lions for an Annual Arts and Craft Festival on the first weekend of October, showcasing an array of distinctive creations from our vendors, and participate in our raffle for two exciting prizes.

Tascosa Lions Club 33rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Calling all golfers!! Amarillo Tascosa Lions are hosting their 33rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament on September 28, 2024, at Comanche Trail Arrowhead Golf Course. $400 per team and that includes a cart and lunch. This is sure to be a fun event as always! Come out, support our community and have fun while doing it. That’s what Lions do!!!