The International Association of
Lions Clubs
District 2-T1
Constitution & By-Laws
Motto: “We Serve”
TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I merit a reputation for quality of service.
TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of question-able acts on my part.
TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary to beat down another's; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself.
WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given.
ALWAYS to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state, and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act, and
TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy.
TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.
This organization shall be known as District 2-T1 of the International Association of Lions Clubs (herein referred to as “Lions International”).
This constitution provides an administrative structure with which to advance the purpose and objects of Lions International in District 2-T1.
This constitution derives authority from the Constitution and By-Laws of Lions International, the Constitution and By-Laws of Texas Multiple District 2, and from the members of District 2-T1. In all cases, the authority of the articles and provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of Lions International and/or the Constitution and By-Laws of Texas Multiple District 2, shall take precedence over the articles and provisions of this constitution.
The membership of this organization shall be all Lions clubs in District 2-T1 chartered by and in good standing with Lions International.
Wherever the male gender or pronoun appears herein, it shall be interpreted to mean both male and female persons.
The boundary lines of this district shall constitute the following counties of the panhandle region the the State of Texas: Armstrong, Briscoe, Carson, Castro, Childress, Collingsworth, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Donley, Gray, Hall, Hansford, Hartley, Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman, Swisher, Wheeler.
A. DISTRICT CABINET. The members of the District Cabinet shall be the District Governor, First Vice District Governor, Second Vice District Governor, the Cabinet Secretary, the Cabinet Treasurer, the Region Chairmen, the Zone Chairmen, the Chairmen of District committees, the two (2) Texas Lions Camp Directors, the Presidents and Secretaries of the member clubs, and all Past District Governors of District 2-T1 who reside within District 2-T1.
B. ELECTION AND APPOINTMENTS. The District Governor, First Vice District Governor and the Second Vice District Governor shall be elected at the annual convention of District 2-T1. The District Governor shall appoint, by the time of taking office, the Cabinet Secretary, the Cabinet Treasurer, Committee Chairmen, and one Zone Chairman for each zone in the district. The District Governor may also appoint, at his option, Region Chairmen who shall serve at the pleasure of the District Governor.
C. REMOVAL. The District Governor has the authority and it shall be his/her duty to remove from office any appointed officer who is derelict and negligent in carrying out the duties of such appointed office for any good and just cause in the best interest of Lionism.
D. VACANCY. Any vacancy in any district office except that of District Governor, First Vice Governor or Second Vice District Governor shall be filled by appointment by the District Governor for the unexpired term thereof.
E. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS. All district officers must reside within the District. Additionally, each Region or Zone Chairman must reside within his or her respective Region or Zone. If any such chairman shall cease to reside within the Region or Zone to which appointed, the term of office shall thereupon cease and the District Governor shall appoint a successor to fill said chairmanship.
A. REGULAR MEETINGS. A regular meeting of the Cabinet shall be held in each quarter of the fiscal year, with the first to be held within thirty (30) days after the adjournment of the International Convention. Ten (10) days written notice of meetings setting forth a date, time, place, and agenda as determined by the District Governor shall be provided to each Cabinet Member by the Cabinet Secretary.
B. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meeting of the Cabinet may be called by the District Governor; or, a special meeting shall be called upon written request made to the District Governor or the Cabinet Secretary by a majority of the members of the Cabinet. Not fewer than five (5) days written or telephone notice of a special meeting, setting forth the purpose(s) thereof and a date, time and place determined by the District Governor, shall be given to each member by the Cabinet Secretary.
C. QUORUM. A majority of the members of the District Cabinet who have been registered as attending a District Cabinet meeting, irrespective of whether some have departed, shall constitute a quorum for any meeting thereof.
A. DIVISION INTO REGIONS AND ZONES. The District Governor shall divide the District into Zones and shall have the option of combining two or more Zones into Regions, giving due regard to the geographical locations of the clubs. All such Regions and Zones shall be subject to change at the sole discretion of the District Governor when such change is deemed necessary to the best interests of District -T1 and of Lions International.
B. MEETINGS. In each Zone, the Zone Chairman along with the presidents and secretaries of the Lions Clubs in the Zone shall compose a District Governor's Advisory Committee. The Zone Chairman shall function as committee chairman. At a date, time and place designated by the Zone Chairman. This committee shall hold a meeting within ninety (90) days after the adjournment of the International Convention; a second meeting in the month of November; a third meeting in the month February or March; and a fourth meeting approximately thirty (30) days prior to the District Convention.
A. COMMITTEES. The District Governor shall create committees and appoint chairmen as mandated or requested by Lions International or the Multiple District 2 Constitution or this Constitution of District 2-T1 as well as those additional district committees and chairmen thereof which the District Governor may consider necessary and/or beneficial to the functioning of District 2-T1.
B. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. The District Governor shall appoint, and shall receive notification of acceptance, at least sixty (60 ) days prior to the District Convention, a Convention Constitution and By-Laws Committee, to consist of not more than five (5) members, each of whom shall be members of different Lions Clubs within District 2-T1.
C. HONORARY COMMITTEE. There shall be a District Governor's Honorary Committee composed of Past International Officers and Directors and Past District Governors who reside within District 2-T1 and who are members in good standing of Lions Clubs that are in good standing within the District. This committee shall meet when and as called upon by the District Governor. The chairman of this committee shall be the immediate Past District Governor. The First Vice District Governor and Second Vice District Governor shall be invited to attend and observe meetings but will not be a member of the Honorary Committee.
The annual dues of Lions Clubs in District 2-T1 shall be as follows for each member: Lions International dues shall be as approved and billed by Lions International. State dues shall he as approved by the MD-2 Council of Governors.
District 2-T1 dues shall be as follows:
Administrative Dues $ 8.00 Convention Fund $ 1.00
Lions Eye Bank of District 2-T1 $ 1.00
A. DUES. District administrative dues shall be paid in advance by each club in the district in two (2) semi-annual payments as follows: one-half ($4.50) is due on September 10 based upon club membership as of the June membership report and one-half ($4.50) is due on March 10 based upon club membership as of the December membership report. Such dues shall be paid to the Cabinet Treasurer by each club except newly chartered and reorganized clubs, which shall pay such dues on a pro-rata basis from the first day of the second month following the date of their organization or reorganization, as the case may be.
B. DISBURSEMENTS. Disbursements shall be allowed only for administrative expenses of the District not related to the District or State conventions and only upon approval by the District Governor and the District Cabinet. A budget shall be presented by the District Governor for adoption by the District Cabinet at the first Cabinet meeting of the year. Adoption of the budget by the Cabinet shall constitute authority for all disbursements contained therein. All disbursements shall be made with checks drawn and signed by either the Cabinet Secretary or the Cabinet Treasurer and in all cases countersigned by the District Governor.
C. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION. Expenses of the District Governor in connection with attending the Lions International convention shall be considered a District administrative expense. Reimbursement for such expenses shall be made in accordance with the Rules of Audit of Lions International or as designated by the District Cabinet.
D. BALANCED BUDGET. The District Governor and the Cabinet shall operate on a cash accounting basis and shall not incur obligations in any fiscal year which shall create an unbalanced budget or deficit for the fiscal year.
E. BONDS. The Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Treasurer and the District Governor shall be bonded in such amount and with such surety as shall be approved by the District Governor and the cost of same shall be an administrative expense.
F. AUDITS. The District Governor shall provide for an annual or more frequent audit of the books and accounts of the Cabinet Treasurer, and a statement of the financial condition of District 2-T1 shall be sent to Lions International and made available on request to each club in the District within sixty (60) days after the close of the fiscal year by the District Governor then in office. Said audit shall be made by a competent committee whose chairman shall be a Certified Public Accountant.
A. CONVENTION FUND FEE. In addition to a District Convention registration fee, an annual per capita District Convention Fund Fee of $1.00 shall be levied upon each member of each club in District 2-T1 and shall be collected and paid in advance by each club in two (2) semi-annual payments as follows: one-half ($0.50) is due on September 10 based upon club membership as of the June membership report and onehalf ($0.50) is due on March 10 based upon club membership as of the December membership report. Such dues shall be paid to the Cabinet Treasurer by each club except newly chartered and reorganized clubs, which shall pay such dues on a pro-rata basis from the first day of the second month following the date of their organization, as the case may be. This fee shall be collected from the clubs by, and be remitted to, the Cabinet Treasurer, who shall deposit the monies so collected into the bank or depository chosen by the District Governor to hold the District funds for that year. The funds so collected shall be used exclusively for defraying expenses of District 2-T1 Conventions, State Conventions hosted by District 2-T1, Mid-Winter Conferences and District Cabinet Meetings only and shall be expended only by District checks drawn and signed by the Cabinet Secretary or Cabinet Treasurer and countersigned by the District Governor.
B. RESERVE FOR STATE CONVENTION. Each year, the District Governor shall deposit the exact amount of $300.00 from the District Convention funds collected in paragraph 3. A. above into a minimal risk interest bearing account to be titled “Lions State Convention Funds” until the balance equals or exceeds $5000.00. The funds in this account are to be held for the sole and express purpose of accumulating, with interest, a minimum of $5000.00 in sixteen (16) years time. This State Convention Fund may be used only for the sole and express purpose of subsidizing the expenses incurred by District 2-T1 for hosting the Texas Lions State Convention. If for any reason the amount in the “Lions State Convention Funds” account meets or exceeds the $5000.00 target amount prior to the year in which District 2-T1 hosts the Texas Lions State Convention, then no additional funds from the District Convention Fund will be deposited into this account until such time as the funds in the account are needed to defray expenses of a Texas Lions State Convention and the balance drops below $5000.00. Interest accrued that causes the fund to exceed $5000.00 shall become part of the State Convention Fund.
C. CONVENTION REGISTRATION FEE. The District Governor shall set a registration fee amount to be collected from each delegate, alternate and guest attending the District Convention to defray the actual cost of meals, entertainment and other expenses related to the convention. Excess fees collected will be deposited into the District Convention Fund.
D. The District Governor shall provide for an annual audit of the District Convention Fund and shall give an annual financial report of said fund to the District Cabinet.
An annual Convention of the District shall be held in each year prior to the State Convention at a place selected by a previous annual convention of the District and at a date and time at least 30 days prior to the International Convention and fixed by the District Governor. A meeting of the registered delegates of the District in attendance at the Annual Convention of the Multiple District of which this District shall be a part may constitute the annual convention of the District.
A. HOST LOCATION SHALL BID. The District Governor shall receive invitations in writing from Clubs desiring to entertain the annual convention. All invitations shall set forth such information as the District Governor shall from time to time require and shall be delivered to him no later than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the convention at which they are to be voted upon. The procedure to be followed in presentation and investigation of bids, as well as action to be taken by a convention in the event no bids are received by or acceptable to the District Governor, shall be determined by the District Governor.
B. DISTRICT GOVERNOR MAY CHANGE CONVENTION SITE. The District Governor has the power to change at any time, for good reason, the convention site chosen by a previous District Convention, and neither the District Governor nor the District, nor any member of the District Cabinet, shall incur any liability thereby to any club or club member in the District.
The members of the District Cabinet shall be the Officers of the Annual District Convention.
A Convention Sergeant-At-Arms and assistant Sergeant-At- Arms shall be appointed by the District Governor.
Each chartered club in good standing in Lions International and the District shall be represented by one or more delegates at the Annual Convention and shall be entitled in each such convention to one voting delegate and one alternate for each ten (10) members who have been enrolled for at least one year and a day in the club, or major fraction thereof, of said club as shown by the records of the International Lions Office on the first day of the month last preceding that month during which the convention is held. The major fraction referred to in this section shall be five (5) or more members. Each certified delegate present in person may cast one vote only for each office to be filled, and one vote only on each issue to be voted on by the members of said convention. Unless otherwise specified herein, the affirmative vote of a majority of the delegates voting on any question or office shall be the act of the convention.
Each Past District Governor who is a member in good standing of a club in good standing within the District shall be entitled to vote at the District Convention, and such vote shall be in addition to their club's allotted delegates. Past District Governors shall not be allowed to be a delegate of their club as outlined in Article VI, Section 5 above.
The attendance in person of a majority of the delegates registered at a convention shall constitute a quorum at any session of the convention.
Within sixty (60) days after the close of the convention an official report of the convention proceedings shall be mailed to Lions International and a copy placed in the District file to be made available to each club in the District, on request, by the Cabinet Secretary.
This Constitution may be amended only at a District Convention by resolution reported by the Convention Committee on Constitution and By-Laws and adopted by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
When amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws are passed at the International Convention, any amendments that would have an effect on this District Constitution and By-Laws shall automatically be updated in the District Constitution and By-Laws at the close of the convention.
No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall have been furnished in writing to each club in the District no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the Annual Convention with notice that the same will be voted upon at said Convention.
Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the Convention at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.
The District Governor shall appoint, and shall receive notification of acceptance, at least sixty (60) days prior to the District Convention, a Nominating Committee to consist of not more than five (5) members, each of whom shall be a member in good standing of a different Lions Club in good standing in the District and shall not at the time of their appointment hold any District or International office. The names and addresses of Lions so appointed shall be sent to all clubs in the District at least sixty (60) days prior to the convening day of the District Convention.
Any member of a club in the District seeking the office of District Governor, First Vice District Governor or Second Vice District Governor should file intention to so run in writing with the Nominating Committee at least thirty (30) days prior to the day of its report to the Convention and furnish therewith evidence of compliance with the qualifications for said office set out in the International Constitution and By-Laws. The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination at the District Convention the names of all candidates so qualified. If none are so received and/or so qualified, then, but then only, nominations for the office may be made from the floor. Each candidate shall be allowed one nomination speech of no more than five (5) minutes duration, and one seconding speech of no more then three (3) minutes duration.
The election shall be by secret written ballot. The candidate receiving the largest number of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the event there are three or more qualified candidates, the ballot shall include the statement, “A plurality shall elect.” In case of a tie vote on any ballot, the winner shall be determined by lot under the supervision of the Nominating Committee.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of District Governor, the First Vice District Governor shall act as District Governor and shall perform the duties of, and have the same authority as, the District Governor until such time as such vacancy is filled by the International Board of Directors in accordance with the constitution of the International Association of Lions Clubs. In order for a Lion to be eligible and qualified to be selected to fill a vacancy in the office of District Governor, he/she must: (a) Be an Active Member in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in good standing in his/her district. (b) Have served or will have served at the time he/she takes office as District Governor. (i) As officer of a Lions Club for a full term or major portion therefore; and (ii) As a member of the District Cabinet for two (2) full terms or major portion thereof. (iii) With none of the above being accomplished concurrently. 9 It is encouraged that the First Vice District Governor fulfill his/her full term of office and other qualified Lions be considered for filling a vacancy in the office of District Governor.
Any vacancy in office except that of District Governor and First and Second Vice District Governor shall be filled by appointment from the District Governor for the unexpired term. In event of a vacancy arising in the office of First or Second Vice District Governor, the District Governor shall convene a meeting of the members of the existing cabinet as provided for in the International Constitution and By-Laws and all Past International Officers who are members in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in good standing in the District. It shall be the duty of the attendees at this meeting to appoint a qualified club member as First or Second Vice District Governor for the remainder of the term. In filling said vacancy, it shall be the duty of the District Governor, or if not available, the most recent Past District Governor who is available, to send out invitations to attend said meeting and it shall also be his/her responsibility to preside as chairperson of the meeting. The chairperson shall convey the results to the International Office within seven (7) days together with evidence of invitations sent and meeting attendance. Each Lion who is entitled to receive an invitation to attend and is present at said meeting shall be entitled to cast one vote for the Lion of his/her choice. In order for a Lion to be eligible and qualified to be selected to fill a vacancy in the office of First or Second Vice District Governor, he/she must: (a) Be an Active Member in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in good standing in his/her district. (b) Have served or will have served at the time he/she takes office as First or Second Vice District Governor: (i) As officer of a Lions Club for a full term or major portion thereof; and (ii) As a member of the District Cabinet for a full term or major portion thereof. (iii) With none of the above being accomplished concurrently.
The District Governor shall act under the general supervision of the International Board of Directors as the representative of Lions International in this District and shall have general supervision over all Lions Clubs therein, and, in addition, shall:
(a) Further the Purposes and Objects of Lions International;
(b) Supervise organization of new Lions Clubs;
(c) Promote cordial relations among the chartered Lions Clubs;
(d) Preside over all Cabinet, Convention and other District meetings;
(e) Endeavor to visit each club at least once during the term of office;
(f) Exercise supervision and authority over Cabinet officers and District committee appointees as is provided in this Constitution, including, but not by way of limitation, the following:
(1) Supervise the collection of all per capita fees by the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer, designate a depository(s) for said funds and authorize payment therefrom of all legitimate expenses pertaining to the administration of the affairs of the District;
(2) Secure, set the amount of and approve the surety company issuing, the surety bond for the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer;
(3) Secure, semi-annually or more frequently, District financial reports from the Cabinet Secretary- Treasurer;
(4) Provide for an annual or more frequent audit of the books and accounts of the Cabinet Secretary- Treasurer and set up a definite schedule of dates, times and places of Cabinet meetings to be held during the fiscal year.
(g) Submit a current itemized statement of total District receipts and expenditures to the annual District convention;
(h) Submit such other reports and perform such other duties as may be required by the International Board of Directors;
(i) Deliver, forthwith, within thirty (30) days after the termination of his term of office, all District accounts, funds and record to his successor in office.
Under the supervision and direction of the District Governor, the First Vice District Governor shall be the chief administrative assistant and representative of the District Governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be, but not limited to:
(a) Further the purpose of this association.
(b) Perform such administrative duties assigned by the District Governor.
(c) Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of Directors.
(d) Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the District Governor, and participate in council meetings as appropriate.
(e) Assist the District Governor in the review of the strengths and weaknesses of the clubs in the district, identifying the existing and potential weak clubs and establishing plans to strengthen them.
(f) Conduct club visitation as the representative of the District Governor, when requested by the District Governor.
(g) Work with the District Membership Committee and the District Extension Committee, and assist them to reach their goals of the year.
(h) Work with the District Leadership Development Committee and assist the committee to develop and implement a district-wide leadership development plan to enhance the enthusiasm and capability of the district officers and members to serve effectively through utilization of the District MERL Team and integration of the team's work with the District's leadership development efforts.
(i) Work with the District Convention Committee and assist the committee to plan and conduct the annual district convention and assist the District Governor to organize and promote other events within the district.
(j) At the request of the District Governor, supervise other district committees.
(k) Participate in the planning of the next year including the district budget.
(l) Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the District Governor so that, in the event of a vacancy in the office of the District Governor, he/she would be better prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of said office as the acting District Governor until the vacancy is filled according to these By-Laws and rules of procedure adopted by the International Board of Directors.
The First Vice District Governor shall follow the currently serving District Governor in protocol. He/she will not be reimbursed by International Headquarters for his/her travel or per diem expenses; the District may allow these to be paid from District Administrative funds.
The Second Vice District Governor, subject to the supervision and direction of the District Governor, shall be an assistant in the administration of the district, and representative of the District Governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be, but not limited to:
(a) Further the purposes of this association.
(b) Perform such administrative duties assigned by the District Governor.
(c) Perform such other functions and acts required by the International Board of Directors.
(d) Participate in the cabinet meetings, and conduct meetings in the absence of the District Governor and First Vice District Governor, and participate in council meetings as appropriate.
(e) Familiarize himself/herself with the health and status of the clubs in the district, review he monthly financial report and assist the District Governor and the First Vice District Governor in identifying and strengthening the existing and potential weak clubs.
(f) Conduct club visitation, as the representative of the District Governor, when requested by the District Governor.
(g) Assist the District Governor and First Vice District Governor in planning and conducting the annual district convention.
(h) Work with the District Retention Committee, and assist the committee to prevent loss of clubs and members, particularly due to inactive club administration and/or financial suspension or other problems.
(i) Work with the District LCIF Coordinator and assist the committee to achieve the goals of the year through regular distribution of LCIF information and materials to increase understanding and support of LCIF.
(j) Work with the District Information Technology Committee and assist the committee to promote the use of the association's web site and the Internet among the clubs and members to obtain information, file reports, purchase club supplies, etc. 11
(k) At the request of the District Governor, supervise other district committees.
(l) Assist the District Governor, First Vice District Governor, and the cabinet in planning of the next year, including the district budget.
(m) Familiarize himself/herself with the duties of the District Governor so that, in the event of a vacancy in offices of District Governor and First Vice District Governor, he/she would be better prepared to assume the duties and responsibilities of said offices as the acting District Governor or acting First Vice District Governor until the vacancies are filled according to these By-Laws and rules of procedure adopted by the International Board of Directors.
He/she shall act under the supervision of the District Governor. His/her specific responsibilities shall be to:
(a) Keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Cabinet, and within five (5) days after each meeting make the minutes available to all members of the Cabinet, and forward copies of the same to the office of Lions International.
(b) Take and keep minutes of the District Convention and furnish copies of the same to Lions International, the District Governor and place a copy in the District file to be made available by the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer to each club in the district on request.
(c) Assist the District Governor and the Cabinet in conducting the business of the district and perform such other duties as are specified or implied in this Constitution and By-Laws, or as may be assigned from time to time by the District Governor or the Cabinet.
(d) Sign all notices and documents issued by the district.
(e) Make an annual report to the Cabinet at its meeting immediately preceding the annual District Convention, and such other reports at such other times as the District Governor or Cabinet may require.
(f) Collect and receipt for all per capita fees levied hereunder on members and clubs in the district, deposit the same in such bank or banks as the District Governor shall determine and disburse the same by order of the District Governor.
(g) Remit and pay over to the Multiple District Council Secretary – Treasurer the Multiple District Convention Fund Per Capita Fee, if any, collected in the district, and secure a proper receipt therefor.
(h) Keep accurate books and records of account, and minutes of all Cabinet and District meetings, and permit inspection of the same by the District Governor, any Cabinet member and any club (or authorized agent of any club) at any reasonable time for any purpose. Upon direction of the District Governor or the Cabinet, furnish any such books and records as requested to any auditor appointed by the District Governor.
(i) Secure bond for the faithful performance of said duties in such sum and with such sureties as may be required by the District Governor.
(j) Deliver, in a timely manner, at the conclusion of his/her term in office, the general and/or financial accounts, funds and records of the district to his/her successor in office.
(k) If separate offices of Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Treasurer are adopted, the duties listed are to be attributed to each of the offices according to the nature of such duties.
The District Governor may, at his own discretion, appoint one or more Region Chairmen. If so appointed, the Region Chairman shall:
(a) Attend the regular and special meetings of the Cabinet.
(b) Assist the District Governor in promoting Lions activities in the Region by performing such duties as may be delegated from time to time by the District Governor.
(c) Recommend qualified Lions in the Region for appointment as Zone Chairman.
(d) Endeavor to have every club in the Region operating under a duly adopted Club Constitution and By-Laws.
(e) Promote representation at International and District Conventions by at least the full quota of delegates to which clubs in the Region are entitled.
(f) Supervise and assist the Zone Chairman of the Region in the performance of their official duties and cooperate with them in arranging and holding Zone meetings and District Governor's Advisory Committee meetings.
In the event the Region Chairman for any reason cannot or does not, in the judgment of the District Governor, perform the duties of the office, or in the event the office is for any reason vacated, the District Governor may appoint a replacement or successor to serve for the unexpired term.
Under the control and supervision of the District Governor and/or Region Chairman, the Zone Chairman shall:
(a) Make a report of each District Governor's Advisory Committee meeting and send copies within five (5) days thereafter to Lions International and to the District Governor and Region Chairman.
(b) Endeavor to have every club within the Zone operating under a duly adopted Club Constitution and By-Laws.
(c) Arrange, with the cooperation of the Region Chairman, regularly scheduled Zone meetings.
(d) Encourage inter-club meetings and social activities.
(e) Promote attendance at charter nights of newly organized club.
(f) Promote representation at International and District Conventions by at least the full quota of delegates to which clubs in the Zone are entitled. In the event the Zone Chairman for any reason cannot or, in the judgment of the District Governor, does not perform the duties of the office, or in the event the office is for any reason vacated, the District Governor shall appoint a successor or replacement to serve for the unexpired term.
The District Governor's Cabinet shall:
(a) Assist the District Governor in the performance of the duties of his office and in the formation of administrative plans and policies affecting the welfare of Lions activities within the District.
(b) Serve in an advisory and administrative capacity only.
(c) Receive, from the Region and Zone Chairmen, reports and recommendations which concern the clubs and Zones.
This committee shall meet with the Zone Chairman in an advisory capacity; develop recommendation affecting the welfare of Lionism and the clubs in the Zone, and relay the same through the Zone Chairman to the District Governor and the District Cabinet.
This committee shall act under the direction of the District Governor in the promotion of harmony throughout the District. The Chairman of this Committee shall attend meetings of the Cabinet when requested by the District Governor.
The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be appointed by the District Governor and shall maintain order and decorum at the respective conventions and meetings and perform such other duties as are incident to the office under Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
The Credentials Committee of the District Convention shall be composed of the District Governor, as Chairman, the Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer and two other non-officers of the District appointed by the District Governor. The Credentials Committee shall have the powers and perform the duties set forth in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
The District Governor shall appoint, designate the Chairman of, and fill any vacancies occurring in the following District Convention Committees: Nominating, Resolutions, Elections, Constitution and By-Laws, Rules, and International
The District Governor shall arrange the Order of Business for the District Convention, and the same shall be the order of the day for all sessions.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution and By-Laws, or in the Rules of Procedure adopted for a meeting, all questions of Order and Procedure in any District meeting or convention, any meeting of the District Cabinet, a Region, Zone or member club or of any group or committee of any one of them shall be determined by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
Subject to the provisions of the International Constitution and By-Laws, any member of a Lions Club in the District seeking endorsement of a District Convention as a candidate for the office of International Director or Second Vice-President shall:
(a) Deliver (by mail or in person) written Notice of Intention to seek such endorsement to the District Governor and to the Multiple District Council Secretary-Treasurer no less than 150 days prior to the convening date of the respective convention at which such question of endorsement is to be voted upon;
(b) Deliver with said Notice of Intention evidence of fulfillment of the qualifications for such office as set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws.
Each Notice of Intention so delivered shall be transmitted forthwith by the District Governor to the Nominating Committee of the respective convention, which shall review and perfect the same by obtaining from each prospective candidate any additional evidence of such intention and qualifications as may be necessary under the International Constitution and By-Laws, and shall place in nomination at the respective convention the name of each such prospective candidate who has said procedural and Constitution requirements.
Each such nominee for endorsement shall be entitled to one nominating speech of no more than five (5) minutes duration and one seconding speech of no more than three (3) minutes duration.
The vote on the question of endorsement shall be by secret written ballot. The nominee receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared endorsed (elected) as the candidate of the convention and District. In the event of a tie vote, or failure of one nominee to receive the required majority, on any ballot, balloting shall continue with respect to the two (2) nominees only who received the largest number of votes on the previous ballot until one receives the required majority of the votes cast.
Certification of Endorsement by the respective convention shall be made in writing to the International Office by the District officials designated, and in accordance with the requirements therefor set forth in the International Constitution and By-Laws.
No endorsement of any candidacy of any member of a Lions Club in this District shall be valid unless and until the provisions of this Article have been met.
The fiscal year of this District shall be from July 1st to June 30th.
These By-Laws may be amended only at a District Convention, by resolution reported by the Convention Committee on Constitution and By-Laws and adopted by a majority of the votes cast.
When amendments to the International Constitution and By-Laws are passed at the International Conv, any amendment that would have an effect on this District Constitution an By-Laws shall automatically be updated in this District Constitution and By-Laws at the close of the convention.
No amendment shall be so reported or voted upon unless the same shall have been furnished in writing to each club no less than thirty (30) days prior to the convening date of the Annual Convention with notice that the same will be noted upon at said Annual Convention.
Each amendment shall take effect at the close of the convention at which adopted unless otherwise specified in the amendment.