Club News March 2025
Let’s Include More People in Our Service and Success
One of the keys to being a successful club is being an inclusive club, and that includes inviting more women to serve with us. Learn how some women are finding balance with their careers, families and service, and encourage your clubs to invite more diverse members to increase their teamwork, engagement and success. LEARN MORE
Grow Your Club, Earn Your Presidential Award
When you increase net club membership, you can earn special presidential certificates and pins for taking the lead in MISSION 1.5. So grow your club and get recognized. LEARN MORE
Be Recognized for Your MISSION 1.5 Accomplishments
MISSION 1.5 gives Lions the opportunity to be recognized for their dedication towards growth. Find more information on the qualifying criteria and earn your well-deserved recognition! LEARN MORE
Assign Your 2025 Convention Voting Delegate
If you are planning to have a voting delegate attend the 2025 Lions International Convention in Orlando, they must be registered via the convention website and also assigned as a voting delegate in the Lion Portal by their club secretary or other duly authorized officer. Learn more and assign your delegates today. GET STARTED
Global Challenges Are Met through Local Service
This year, district leaders were asked to choose two of our global causes to focus on. Support your district by reporting your service activities and showing how your club is helping to meet global needs in your community. LEARN MORE
Help Change Stigma About Mental Health and Well-Being
Support the new Mental Health and Well-Being Service Initiative with a service project aimed at reducing the negative attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes surrounding mental health. Visit the Mental Health and Well-Being webpage to view our resources and get started. LEARN MORE
Join Us for LDUN 2025
There’s still time to attend Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN) in New York, USA and Geneva, Switzerland. Register today to be part of the global conversation, network with Lions and Leos, and learn about the future of service. REGISTER NOW
E-Learning Course Content Available for Visually-Impaired Lions
To better serve more Lions, the Lions Learning Center (LLC) includes screen reader-compatible course content. You will find these English documents in the “Additional References” tab in the LLC, which you can access via the Lion Portal. For documents in other official languages, please send us an email request. LOG IN
The Latest Issue of LION Magazine Is Here
The winter issue of the headquarters edition of LION Magazine released in February! View the full issue online today, and be sure to share your favorites on social media so others can also enjoy the inspirational stories of Lions from around the world. LEARN MORE
Share Your Story of Pride
Share how an LCIF grant increased your impact in your community. Inspire your fellow Lions and be inspired by their stories made possible with funding from our global foundation. GET STARTED
Lions in Kenya Are Tackling Hunger
Discover how Lions in Kenya are distributing solar cookers that help feed local families, generate income and positively impact the greater community. WATCH NOW
Earth Day Is April 22
To celebrate Earth Day, explore our environment service ideas, set a date for your service project and invite people in your community to join you in protecting our planet. GET STARTED
Check In on Your Club's Status
Ensure your club is in good standing at least 15 days prior to local elections. Lions International and local dues must be paid in order to obtain good standing. DOWNLOAD NOW
Track Your Learning Journey with My Learning Record
Learning is essential to your success as a Lion or Leo, and the My Learning Record report can help you track your learning journey. This helpful report gives you a current and shareable record of your training history and is available in the Lion Portal under the “Reports” section of Learn. LOG IN
Bring Possibilities to Life with Your Support
LCIF is the only global foundation empowering Lions’ and Leos’ service, expanding our impact and enhancing our reach. Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a difference to someone in need. DONATE NOW
Help Leos Aging Up Find Their Next Steps
Leo club advisors, access the member detail information found in the data export tab in the Lion Portal to check for Leos aging up. Help these Leos find their next steps after their time in the Leo Club Program! LEARN MORE
Register for the Leo-Lion Board Liaison Town Hall
Leo club advisors, be sure to attend the Leo-Lion Board Liaison Town Hall to learn about how to support Leos in your area. Encourage your Leos to attend as well to learn about serving after their time in the Leo Club Program. REGISTER NOW
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